Rules and Regulations apply to the conclusion of contracts for online
sale of goods by Glaser Group Sp. z o.o. through Optique-Exclusive
online store
1. The owner and the administrator of online store is:
Glaser Group Sp. z o.o. PL.Trzech Krzyży 18, 00-499 Warsaw, Poland, District Court. St. Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of Capital: 10000 PLN KRS 0000475410, EU VAT number: NIP: 7010393453, REGON: 473221163, phone: +48 8888 00000
Any individual, corporation or legal entity referred to in Article 331
of the Civil Code, with full legal capacity, may become a Client of the store. Any resident of other European Union member states may
also become a Client.
A Consumer is any individual executing a legal instrument not directly
connected with his/her business activity or occupation.
Submission of an order is deemed as equivalent to acceptance of the
provisions of these Rules and Regulations and expressing the will to
conclude a contract.
Despite making its best efforts, the Seller does not guarantee that the
published information and detailed descriptions concerning the Product
do not contain any omissions or errors. Any incorrect descriptions or
incorrect prices shall not constitute a basis for a claim, therefore in
case of any doubts the Purchaser shall contact the Store representative
before making a decision to complete the purchase.
Correct completion of the order form is a condition of order
fulfilment. By completing the form, the Purchaser confirms that the
information provided is true and correct.
The Store may suspend order fulfilment or refuse to process any order,
if the information provided by the Purchaser is incomplete or incorrect.
Following submission of an order, the Purchaser shall receive an e-mail
confirmation with information on acceptance of the order and its
8. We do not process any orders which are not confirmed by e-mail or via telephone by the Purchaser within 72 hours.
9. We reserve the right to confirm any order via e-mail or telephone.
The prices of products in the online store do not
constitute an offer in the meaning of the Polish Civil Code, but only an
invitation to conclude a contract (Article 71 of the Polish Civil
11. The Optique-exclusive online store accepts orders submitted via e-mail or telephone only in special cases.
The Optique-exclusive online store does not accept any orders
submitted with the use of other forms of communication than those
indicated in points 5 and 11 above.
Orders are fulfilled subject to availability of the products in stock
or from the Store's suppliers. If any products are not available, the
Purchaser shall be informed about the status of his/her order and shall
be entitled to select one of the following options:
a) partial delivery
b) extended waiting time
c) contract termination (cancellation of the whole order).
14. No order shall be cancelled via telephone.
Products ordered by the Purchaser shall be brand new and shall be
covered by the manufacturer's and the distributor's guarantee (not
applicable to product sold by the Store on the basis of a commission
All prices of products are expressed in EUR and are inclusive of VAT.
The prices stated do not include shipping charges. The cost of delivery
of the products ordered is determined after selection of the mode of
The Seller reserves the right to change the prices of Products and any
shipping charges, to introduce and withdraw any Products from offer, and
to commence and cancel any promotional action at any time.
Product price changes shall not apply to any orders submitted and
received by the Seller before the change of the price in the Online
19. The minimum value of each order amounts to EUR 25.
20. Payment for the products ordered shall be made in one of the following ways:
- credit card (Visa or Mastercard)
- through
- through PayPal
Bank details:
Glaser Group Sp. z o.o. PL.Trzech Krzyży 18, 00-499 Waraw, Poland
Citi Handlowy, account no.:
75 1030 0019 0109 8503 0006 1876
Orders paid by bank transfer shall be shipped only after the payment is
credited to the account of Glaser Group Sp. z o.o., the owner
Delivery of products shall occur within 18 days, subject to continuous
availability of products for purchase. If products are available from
the Store's stocks, orders are fulfilled within 3-4 working days.
23. Products are shipped to Purchasers on working days only, from Monday to Friday.
If the value of an order exceeds 250€, the shipping cost is covered by
the Seller. If the Customer terminates the contract in the circumstances
referred to in Articles 26 and 27, the Client is charged with the
shipping costs.
A VAT invoice or a receipt is provided with the product (not applicable
to products sold by the Store on the basis of commission contract).
26. Customer
has the right to withdraw from the distance contract without giving any
reason by making an appropriate declaration in writing within 14
calendar days of receiving a shipment, subject to paragraph 26. Printed
and fully completed return form should
be sent with the proof of purchase to the following address: Optique-Exclusive, Nowy Świat 1, 00-496 Warsaw. In
case of contract termination the product shall be send back intact (with
no signs of use) to the store's address with a proof of purchase. The
purchase price shall be reimbursed immediately, within 14 working days
from the date of delivery of the package with the product and the
receipt. The refund is made via bank transfer to the bank account
Indicated by the Customer or by postal order to the address Indicated by
the Customer. In case of purchase with a VAT invoice, the refund
payment Shall be made within 14 working days from the date of receipt
to the store and Corrective invoice.
27. The provisions of paragraph 26 does not apply to goods and services having the characteristics specified by the Consumer in order or closely associated with his person and which, by their nature, can not be returned or are subject to rapid deterioration - expeccially the ordered prescription glasses which lenses mounted due to the Customer's eye parameters, specified by the Customer in accordance, with the Act of 2 March 2000 on the protection of consumer rights and liability for damage caused by dangerous products (Dz.U.2012.1225 jt).
28. Moreover, the Consumer is entitled to terminate the contract of sale in the case of conclusion of the contract via the website of the Online Store, when the Products are collected by the Purchaser at the Seller's premises. Such contract constitutes a contract concluded outside the entrepreneur’s premises in the meaning of the Act of 2 March 2000 on protection of some rights of consumers and on liability for damage caused by dangerous products.
29. The cost of delivery shall be covered by the party terminating the contract.
30. We do not accept cash on delivery packages.
In case of issuing a VAT invoice, the purchase price of the product
shall be refunded to the party terminating the contract only after
sending back the product, and signing and sending back a corrective
32. The Customer shall be entitled to replace prescription frames (bought without optical lenses) or sunglasses offered by online store within 14 calendar days of receipt of shipment. The customer is obliged to send the replaced product to the following address:, Nowy Świat 1, 00-496 Warsaw with completed replacement form, along with a note: "Replace". The product should be no signs of use, packed in its original packaging. In case of exchanging the product or changing parameters of the model, the Store takes into account any differences in price. The cost of the product exchange is covered by the Purchaser.
Each product purchased in the Online Store is covered by a guarantee of
the manufacturer, the importer and the seller, valid in the territory of
Poland. The guarantee period of each product is stated in its
description on the Online Store website.
If the Purchaser is not a Consumer, the liability of the Online Store
in relation to warranty is excluded in accordance with Article 558 § 1
of the Polish Civil Code.
In case of discovering any fault in the product purchased, please
immediately contact the online store Client Service
at the following e-mail address:, to commence the
complaint procedure. Please complete complaint form and follow the instructions in the form.
The Seller shall not be responsible for any fault resulting from normal
wear and tear of the product, its part or the material used for its
Before acceptance of the product, the Purchaser is obligated to check
if the product is compliant with the order and if it was not damaged
during transport. If the product is not compliant with the order,
incomplete or damaged, the Purchaser should refuse to accept the product
delivered and at the same time draw up a complaint report in transport
(such report, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of 15 November 1984
Transport Law, Journal of Laws of 1984, No. 53, item 272, as amended,
constitutes basis for processing of the Purchaser's complaint in
relation to damage caused during shipping). The report should include
detailed description of the damage or shortage discovered, as well as
the date and time of delivery. Regardless of any actions undertaken by
the deliverer, the Purchaser should inform the Store about the defects
within 24 hours. Once the product constituting the subject of the
complaint is returned to the Store, and the refusal of accepting the
product by the Purchaser is confirmed as valid, the Store shall process
the complaint in accordance with its complaint policy.
The product constituting the subject of a complaint shall be send back
to the Store. Proof of purchase shall be provided with the product
constituting the subject of a complaint.
39. We do not accept cash on delivery packages.
Complaints are processed within 14 days of the date of receipt by the
Store the package with the product constituting the subject of the
complaint. Equipment should be returned clean, otherwise our service
shall charge the Client with the cost of cleaning such equipment in
accordance with the service price list. A receipt is the only document
entitling to collection of equipment after a complaint. Glaser Group Sp. z o.o. shall not
issue copies of receipts and shall not be responsible for any results
of losing a receipt. In case of repairs requiring the use of specialist
manufacturer's service, the time of repair may be extended. The time of
repair may be extended up to 3 months. This document without signature
and stamp of Glaser Group Sp. z o.o. is not valid. If equipment is not collected within 6
months from the date of accepting it for repair, pursuant to Article
180 of the Polish Civil Code in connection with Article 60 of the Polish
Civil Code, Glaser Group Sp. z o.o. shall regard that as agreement to ownership transfer
and this shall result in the equipment being deemed abandoned.
If the Purchaser is a consumer, the complaint procedure shall occur in
accordance with the rules and time limits determined in the Act on
special conditions of consumer purchases and on amending the Civil Code:
a) If
the consumer product is not compliant with the contract, the Purchaser
may demand altering it to the state compliant with the contract through a
free of charge repair or exchange to a new one, unless such repair or
exchange are not possible or their cost is too high.
b) if
the Purchaser for the reasons referred to in letter a) above, cannot
demand repair or exchange, or if the seller shall not satisfy such
demand in due time, or if repair or exchange would cause significant
inconvenience to the purchaser, he/she is entitled to demand appropriate
reduction in price or to terminate the contract. The Purchaser cannot
terminate the contract if non-compliance of the consumer product with
the contract is immaterial.
c) The Purchaser shall lose the entitlements provided in letter a) and b) above, if before expiration of the period of two months from discovering non-compliance of the consumer product with the contract, he/she does not inform the Seller about it. Notice shall be send before the expiration of such period of two months.
The Seller shall be responsible for non-compliance of the consumer
product with the contract only if it is discovered before the expiration
of the period of two years from provision of the product to the
purchaser; and in case of product exchange such time limit shall start
e) The
purchaser's claims expire after one year from discovering by the
purchaser non-compliance of the consumer product with the contract;
expiration shall not occur before the lapse of the period referred to in
letter d). The entitlement to terminate the contract expires within the
same time limit.
42. The
costs related to sending back the product constituting the subject of a
complaint shall be reimbursed by the Store immediately after accepting
the complaint.
43. If a
complaint is not found valid, and in particular if the defects reported
were caused exclusively through the fault of the user, all costs shall
be covered by the Customer.
44. If a
fault is discovered in a product, the Purchaser may also exercise the
entitlements resulting from the quality guarantee (applicable to
products for which such guarantee is granted) directly with the
manufacturer (distributor, importer or other entity indicated in the
guarantee) of the product or in the indicated service points (applicable
to products covered by the manufacturer's guarantee).
45. Entitlements resulting from the guarantee granted by the manufacturer (distributor, importer or other entity indicated in the guarantee) shall not constitute a waiver of the Consumer's rights in relation to warranty for the product faults (product non-compliance with the contract).
52. The Seller shall not be responsible towards third parties for any special, indirect or consequential damages resulting during the use of the product purchased. Responsibility for damage arising in connection with incorrect functioning of the products used in accordance of the instructions is limited to the guarantee provisions determined by the manufacturer, importer, distributor or other entity granting the guarantee. This shall not apply to products not covered by a guarantee.
53. All photographs and trade marks used by are used for information purposes only and remain the property of the manufacturers.
54. These Rules and Regulations are valid as of the date of publishing on the Online Store website, i.e. as of 10.03.2013
55. The
Seller reserves the right to amend these Rules and Regulations
unilaterally. Amendments are made through publishing new Rules and
Regulations on the Online Store website. The Rules and Regulations
amendments enter into force after 7 days from publishing new Rules and
Regulations on the Online Store website. The date of the new Rules and
Regulations entering into force must be clearly marked therein.
These Rules and Regulations are available from the Online Store website
in the form allowing saving them in the ICT system of the Purchaser. The
content of the Rules and Regulations may be obtained by the user
through printing, saving on any medium or downloading from the website
at any time.
These Rules and Regulations and the contract of sale concluded on the
basis hereof shall be governed by Polish law, with the exclusion of the
UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
58. All
disputes arising hereunder or from the contracts of sale shall be
settled by the court having jurisdiction over the Seller's registered
office. Therefore the Parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of
Polish courts in case of any disputes.
59. In matters not regulated herein, provisions of the Polish Civil Code, Act of 27 July 2002 on special conditions of consumer sales and on amending the Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 141, item 1176, as amended) and the Act of 2 March 2000 on protection of some rights of consumers and liability for damage caused by dangerous products (Journal of Laws of 2000 No. 22, item 271, as amended ) shall apply.