Progressive lenses - frequently asked questions.

Why opt for progressive glasses instead of ordinary glasses?
Single focal length glasses are designed in such a way that we can only see clearly at one distance. People with presbyopia need at least two pairs of glasses, the first to ensure clear vision from afar and the second to work comfortably in close proximity. However, more and more often we also need separate glasses for intermediate distances, e. g. working on a computer. Progressive glasses combine the advantages of all these glasses. We decide on one pair of glasses, which provides clear vision at all distances. The transition between these three zones is smooth and physiological, which ensures full comfort of the glasses and no need to change them constantly.
How do progressive lenses work?
Progressive glasses have three vision zones: distance, closer and intermediate distances. The upper part is responsible for clear vision of the distance, lowering the sight down to the intermediate distances, and the lower part provides comfort in seeing the near ones. Progressive glasses have a smooth transition of power from the distance through intermediate distances to the nearest distance. Thanks to this, we do not have to look for a clear point of view, and by lowering our gaze down, we ensure that we can see precisely the objects that are closer and closer to us. This is a natural position because when we read, we lower our eyesight, not our head down.
Who should opt for progressive glasses?
Progressive glasses should be chosen by people with presbyopia. Around the age of 40, problems with clear vision begin to emerge. This is a natural process that occurs in every person. When we see the first signs of presbyopia, for example. We move the text aside for comfortable reading, it is worth going to an optometrist to check if we don't need correction for close distances. But it is not only people with presbyopia who use progressive glasses. Sometimes progressive lenses are also required for young people or children with accomodation or binocular vision disorders. Progressive glasses are suitable niamal for every person because they are designed to preserve the physiology of vision. However, let's remember that in some competitions it is necessary to use monofocal lenses that provide precise near vision on the whole lens, e. g. a dentist, electrician, or plumber. This does not mean that these people cannot use progressive lenses. Outside of work, progressive glass is the best solution for everyday glass activities. That's why it's so important to explain to the optician what we need progressive glasses for, what the nature of our work looks like, so he can offer the best solution to meet our needs.
Can I not adapt to progressive glasses?
There is a myth that it is difficult to get used to glasses with progressive lenses. That's not true. Progressive lenses have been constructed according to the physiology of the eye, so the adaptation process is simple and does not require a long period of time. However, it is very important that the glasses are made properly. The right powers for distance and close-up should be selected, all parameters needed to make progressive glasses should be properly measured and they should be properly mounted in the luminaire. If no mistake has been made at any of these stages and we have informed the optician about our expectations of progressive glasses, it is very unlikely that we will not adapt to them. Most people notice the benefits of progressive lenses as soon as they put on their glasses.
Is there a limited field of vision in progressive lenses?
That's not true. There are some image distortions on the periphery of progressive lenses, but these are practically invisible to the eye. These are not areas out of sight, they are perceived as peripheral areas of the retina, which is unable to perceive details. This is due to her physiology. It is not only in progressive lenses that peripheral image distortion occurs. In ordinary monofocal lenses we will also encounter this situation. In older progressive glass designs, some users have noticed distortions in the peripheral image. However, current, modern designs that take into account the parameters of the luminaire and the user have been designed in such a way that no distortions are noticeable.
I've heard that there's a floating image in progressive lenses. It can also be difficult to do things like going up the stairs. Is that justified?
This question is very much linked to the previous one, because the periphery of the lens is also important here. As mentioned earlier in older constructions, there were indeed visible limitations in peripheral areas. This is due to the smooth transition of power in progressive glasses. While moving, the distortion gave the impression that the image is not stable. Hence the difficulty of climbing the stairs. The straight lines were not straight, but slightly curved. The most modern designs of progressive glasses have practically eliminated this problem in 100%. They are adapted to the user and the parameters of the luminaire, so that straight lines will remain straight and going up the stairs will not be difficult. In the beginning we can feel a gentle float of the image, but when we change glasses, even single focal, is it not similar?
How do I understand the personalisation of progressive lenses?
Progressive lenses are personalised in the most modern progressive glasses designs. Many more parameters are taken into account than in basic constructions. We take into account: the distance and height of the pupils, the angles of inclination and curvature of the frame, the shape of the frame, the way of wearing glasses, the way of holding the head and even the way of moving the head and eyes. Measurements for personalized progressive glasses are taken on a specially designed device. It can be compared to tailor-made clothes. We take into account the parameters and characteristics of the specific user. In "tailor-made" glasses it is the lenses that adapt to the user, not the other way around. They fit perfectly and provide the highest level of viewing comfort without image float and distortion.
What is the difference between expensive and cheap progressive glasses?
This difference is mainly visible in the construction and quality of progressive glasses.
Cheap progressive glasses are older versions of very basic constructions. This is where the image distortion effect on the periphery may appear. They are not personalized and have lower quality anti-reflection coatings. Expensive progressive glasses are state-of-the-art designs in optical technology. They allow for full personalization of the glasses, eliminate the floating effect of the image and guarantee the highest quality anti-reflective coatings. They ensure easy lens cleaning, eliminate glare and have high transparency. It is not without reason that we say that state-of-the-art progressive glasses ensure perfect vision at all distances.
What kind of frame can progressive lenses be inserted into?
Progressive glasses can be inserted into virtually any luminaire. There is no limit to the shape, the height of the luminaire is important. It is better to choose a larger luminaire so that the transition between the zones is smooth and gentle. In luminaires that are shorter, the transition will be faster and more rapid. It is more important that the luminaire is not too low. If its height is accepted by the optician, all other parameters can be personalized to ensure even better viewing quality.